Sunday, January 11, 2009

New Computer

From past six months i was planning to buy a new computer and finally i bought a new computer yesterday. Its really working very cool than i taught. I bought a high configuration computer with XFX GE FORCE 8800 graphic card. Here after my new computer wont freeze while playing games. My old computer use to freeze while playing games and while working in some important application. And i really hate that. But from now onwards i won't be having such problems. Here after i will use my old computer for surfing net and for preparing basic documents. Here comes my new computer configuration,

1. Dual core 3.2 GHZ Processor.
2. ASUS M3A79-T Mother board.
3. 2 GB Ram
4. 1 TB hard disk
5. 17" LCD Monitor.
6. Cordless Key Board and Mouse.
7. 5.1 Speakers.


  1. Tey said...
    Thats a good computer. I love computer and I dont care if its value goes down as it get old
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    Ir. hydir said...
    Very high end ...
    but do you really need that ..

    it is just like to start a designing firm or modelling thing .. :)

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