Saturday, January 17, 2009

Late Night Beach

Hi friends yesterday me and my best friend enjoyed a lot in beach. We were playing in water for nearly two hours continuously and we didn't even know that. We almost forgot about every thing. After coming out from water we was starving like anything so we ate in beach restaurant itself. And after eating we had ice creams. Its really good to have an ice cream after dinner and that too in beach. We enjoyed like anything and we both really had a very great time. We were in beach till 11pm talking about our school and college life. We use to talk about our school and college life for at least half-an-hour when ever we meet. After that sweet conversation we went home happily.


  1. Lilis Indrawati said...
    Hmmmm......!!! nice day with your best friend. Be happy....
    Anonymous said...
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    Open Source Blog's said...
    I.AHIJAH **GOD proposes,,BOAZ disposes** said...
    enjoy to ur maximum extent brother...........

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