Monday, January 5, 2009

My Passion

Riding bike is my only passion and i love my bike very much. Basically i am very much attracted towards bike than any other thing. I won't let any one to touch my ride and i won't let any one to take my wheels. Because i love my ride very much and i am crazy about it. I wont even let my friends to take my wheels because they might ride rashly and they might miss use it. And if something happens to my bike i will really get upset and i don't wanna get upset. That's the reason i won't give my wheels to any one. Me and my friends always use to talk about bikes very often and we also use to participate in bike shows. If something goes wrong with my wheels, i will immediately take it to my friend's workshop and i will repair it. I also use to do stunts in my bike. Stunts like wheeling, 360 and burnout. According to me my bike is my first love and will my first love for ever and ever.


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